Walk for Children and Light up landmarks

This festive season, we're encouraging as many people as possible to get involved in Walk for Children
This takes place on 22 December, but you can walk on any day during the festive period if that date doesn't work for you.
It's a fantastic opportunity to get together with friends, family, pets, or just yourself, and walk 5km. Maybe around the local Christmas lights?
Sign-up is just £10 and those taking part will receive a fundraising pack with everything they need to plan their walk.
Beloved landmarks and buildings across the UK will also be lit up in our signature green in the run-up to the festive period. This shows that we're here for every child whenever they need support. Some of these iconic buildings include:
- Edinburgh Camera Obscura and World of Illusions, Scotland
- London County Hall, London
- St Michael’s Mount, Cornwall
- Ulverston and Hoad Monument, Cumbria
- Enniskillen Castle, Northern Ireland
- Ely Cathedral, Cambridgeshire.
Visit our Light up Landmarks page for more locations that will be taking part!