Girl lying on sofa smiling

Campaign with us

Two minutes of your time could change a child’s life – whether it’s signing a petition or emailing your MP. Campaign with us to help keep children safe.

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Become an NSPCC campaigner
An easy way to fight for every childhood 

Sign up for monthly updates with actions you can complete in 2 minutes or less to support our campaigns. NSPCC campaigners across the UK have helped us to change laws to keep children safe.
But there is lots more to do. 

Help us change laws that change lives today.

Campaign with us

Birgit, NSPCC Campaigner

"As a society we have a duty to protect all children and to show - as a community - that we care about them."

Tina, NSPCC Campaigner

"It's time our country started to support our own vulnerable children. These children are our future - workforce, doctors, nurses ..."

John, NSPCC Campaigner

" It is everybody’s business to make sure children are safe and given the right support."

Your help makes a difference

  • In 2014, it wasn’t illegal for an adult to send a child a sexual message – online grooming wasn’t a crime.

  • Thanks to the 50,000 people who signed our petition and emailed the Minister for Online Child Protection, now it is.

  • Before 2015, child witnesses in abuse cases had to risk seeing their abuser to give evidence in court.

  • Over 21,000 people signed our petition and emailed their MP. Children can now give evidence somewhere safe.

  • Until we campaigned, some adults in positions of power – like coaches and faith leaders – could have sex with 16 and 17-year-olds in their care.

  • Over 3,500 NSPCC campaigners emailed their MP using our template. The law now protects young people in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

  • Before 2023, there were no laws to regulate tech companies and protect children online.

  • Over 147,635 people took action, and we did it! We now have an Online Safety Act that children and young people can be proud of.