Two children on separate Childline calls.

Sponsor a call to Childline

By donating today you can help answer a child's call.

Sponsor a call now
Sponsor a call now

 One call to Childline could change everything for a child who needs us.

Abuse, mental health, bullying - there are many reasons young people need to call Childline. Whatever problems or dangers they face, Childline is here 24/7, 365 days a year, to give children somewhere to turn to when they need it most.

Will you donate today and help us answer the next urgent call? 

Sponsor a call to Childline today

The shouting is unbearable, and I can’t take the beatings anymore.

I want to tell someone, but when I try, I can’t make myself say it out loud.

I want to be able to tell someone before half term, I can’t be in the house with him the whole time.

Luke, 15*

Why your sponsorship matters

There were almost 200,000 Childline counselling sessions with children and young people last year.

Childline counsellor on a call.

A child will contact Childline every 45 seconds on average.

A young girl leaning back against railings while staring into the camera.

There were almost 14,000 counselling sessions about abuse or neglect last year.

"Today a 13 year old girl confided in me that she is suffering from anxiety which is so bad that she struggles to leave her home. She told me that she is feeling scared and she doesn’t know how to go on anymore.

She thanked me for being here for her today when she didn’t feel she had anyone else she could talk to.” - Counselling session from the Birmingham base with a 13 year old girl. 

Sponsor a call today


We've agreed to stick to a strict set of codes and a fundraising promise, which means we treat our supporters and donors with respect, fairness and honesty and we are always clear about how we raise money

When you sponsor a call your donation is restricted to our Childline service which enables us to answer contacts from children no matter what their worry or concern or method of contact.

Around 75p in every £1 we spend goes directly to helping children and young people. This includes working with children and families, our helplines, our Schools Service and child protection and awareness campaigns like PANTS. Read our latest Annual Report (PDF).


Any questions?

If you have a question about donating or if you'd like to set up, amend or cancel a direct debit, or to pay a legacy gift, our Supporter Care team is on hand to help.

Call us Monday – Friday 9am-5pm or complete our form below. Calls may be recorded for training purposes.

020 7825 2505

Make an enquiry


*The quote is based on real Childline service users but is not necessarily a direct quote. Potentially identifying details have been changed to protect the identity of the child or young person involved. The photograph has been posed by a model.

Children and young people can contact Childline via phone, 1-2-1 chat or email. Your donation could go towards answering any method of contact